Spring Equinox
Group Cleanse
March 21st to 30th
the being in this picture from 12 years ago was not tending to her own suffering.
The truth is I wasn’t fully aware of what the issue was as I watched it manifest in my physical body.
Then I didn’t like the way my body looked, I tried to “fix it”. Doing what I was shown such as dieting and exercising.
Of course, that didn’t work because I wasn’t looking at the fact that I was fucking running, hiding, and stuffing to avoid feeling my unprocessed emotions.
And the truth was that I was feeling all the things.
I wasn’t sorting and moving them through me in a healthy way.
This resulted in emotional eating, a nervous breakdown at age 26 accompanied by shingles and later turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism giving me some sort of “break”.
I kept packing more on my plate.
Literally & figuratively.
Anything to distract myself from the fact that I was energetically and emotionally overwhelmed and uncomfortable in my physical body, which grew to a certain point and then held there for almost my entire 20’s.
There comes a point when what you’re running from catches up with you.
In that moment, I was left with two options.
to surrender or to continue resisting.
I ultimately surrendered because the fear of what my life would be like after I would surrender into the unknown was equally as terrifying as what this would be like if I continued to resist it.
In the discovery process of leaning in to this body, that I was desperately trying to escape from, I learned that there was no “fixing it” from only a physical approach.
This isn’t to say that it isn’t beneficial to shift your diet and get regular exercise. My own experience was that this only moves about 15-20 lbs and then when the pattern loops again, you go straight back to where you started from. Usually worse than where you started.
What was effective in my transition was showing up at this “storage container” to be with what was inside. Without shame or judgement.
Having to unpack every box, expose every item.
Some of it is obviously just garbage taking up space that could be tossed, and other items contained those deep sentimental attachments, or family heirlooms from the ones you have lost and it’s all you have left.
So you hold it, tight.
Maybe you cry.
Maybe your soul begins to grieve the pain in your heart that was just longing to be felt.
As I stayed present and let my body go through its decluttering process, I started to notice space inside me in a way that I had never felt before.
There was movement.
Now I wasn’t as overwhelmed or afraid to show up to this container everyday because it was more and more open.
I started to show up to this space differently,
greeting her, speaking sweeter to her, becoming lighter in my movements.
I started offering nourishing gifts to ourself.
Noticing now where food and regular body movement come into collaboration with the emotional and energetic alignments.
I was becoming a place I in-joyed as she was
clean, clear, and beautiful.
This body felt good to be in.
It became my sanctuary, a place of peace, a place of joy, a place of love.
It shifted from an over stuffed storage container to a place of devotion.
She became my temple.
She radiates in reflection of my devotion.
The days I am distracted or choosing to not be with what’s showing up at the steps, she lets me know.
I show up, get present and bring in the clean up crew to set her back on Glow.
If you are ready to clean up, clear out and hit that RESET,
there’s no time like Spring Time!
Be Nourished during our Spring Equinox Group Cleanse!
The Spring Equinox Group Cleanse is a Powerful Transformational Space and I am honored to meet you here, to lead and hold you through this journey.
10 Day Transformational Cleanse
Includes All Supplies: Power Shake, 3 supplements, Rejuvenation Elixir, shake container & tape measure.
The 10 Day Cleanse will be March 21-30th. Supplies to be ordered asap to ensure you receive them in time for our start date. Generally a 7-10 day process. Support will be held during these 10 days in Voxer App.
2x Frequency Calibration
The 2 Calibration Sessions will be Day 3 and Day 8.
March 23rd and 28th for 60 minutes each session.
They will be hosted on Zoom as a group. Times will be selected based on time zone as group forms. (Replay available). There is an option for individual sessions for an additional investment.
1 Week Post Integration Support on Voxer
7 days of support available to you for your integration back in the world of food.
All support will be held within the Voxer App. During the 10 Day Cleanse and Integration Phase. March 21st- April 6th. We will use specific guidelines on how to engage with each other within the voxer app.
Pōhala Fern Essence Moa Fern
Moa is a unique fern-ally in that it has no roots, and is therefore perpetually willing to move, clean house, wander, and shift.
Traditionally, the spores were used as powders or ground up as a salve to apply to skin for absorption. Other methods were its fermentation for ingestion. In a world shifting rapidly, we are required, as both spiritual and biological species, to purge and purify our auric field, or what I like to call our “emotional grid.” Many are not aware that, as a collective, we have deep seated attachments to shame and violence.
Fern Medicinals are supportive to our emotional intelligence to supply a reorganization from distortion to original blueprint. They support the foundation for a correction.
Imūa Liquid Light Frequency Blend
Grounding > balancing > euphoric > soothing.
Releases Stress to unwind and supports letting go through our breath. Harmonizes our energy by grounding us as we release resistance and attachment to old beliefs and open to new energies. Allows the body to digest change without filling the void with unhealthy habits. Allows more light to enter the physical body and expand in the heart. This transformation will encourage us to love ourself more fully and deepen our connection with the divine.
Frequency Blends are to be utilized to support your immediate environment as you calibrate during this transformation process. Physically, emotionally, mentally.
What people are saying:
What exactly is this Group Cleanse?
The structure of the 10 Day cleansing protocol is a series of supplements and superfood shakes to Deeply Nourish the Body with Super Foods and to assist in clearing aspects that are not in service for our overall health. There is a simple schedule of ingesting these goodies every two hours… that might sound like a lot and I promise, it is not. An alarm on your phone with what to take is a simple and very helpful support tool.
This design will benefit you the most with consistency, keeping you in flow and primarily out of hunger. Within this cleanse you are allowed to have some limited items(foods/beverages) through the day to train your body on what to reach for based on the requirements your body is actually asking for. (I will explain more once inside). And of course water is going to be a big support in the success of assisting your body in processing what needs to stay in and what needs to come out.
So, now that I have shared a bit about the 10 day structure, what gets to happen within that is the other parts of this process. Which is where I come in.
Food is a ritual we participate in, usually 3 times a day +\-. The foods we tend to reach for often times are fulfilling unmet emotions vs the nourishment our body requires. The one thing I have learned through this experience is we don’t actually require much when we offer our body nutrient dense goods.
Many struggle through a cleanse or any diet change because when we remove something that has helped our nervous system cope we now are given the opportunity to be with what is arising. To actually move and clear energetic and emotional attachments that unfortunately store in our physical body. This can cause a bit of disregulation at first until we learn we can cope in a present way.
The 2 group Calibration Sessions will be on Day 3 and Day 8. (3/23 & 3/28). Times will be selected once we know time zones within our Ohana here. These sessions will be 60 mins and are a blend of sound Alchemy, breath and guided visualization exercises as well as a space to process.
Day 3 is usually the biggest release day, when the body is purging the most toxins so we will support this release with ease and allow the energetic components to go with it.
Day 8 you are clear and generally feeling lightness in the body and usually recognizing that you are almost ready to enter back into the world of food. So here we will do the activation while the body is open and at one of the clearest states and prepare you for transition into your new journey and relationship with food and yourself.
If you find that you would like to go deeper or desire more support you are welcome to request a private session for an additional investment.
Replays will be available if live zooms are not aligning with your schedule. In the realms of energy there is no “time” so the calls and activations are just as effective.
I will be available for 7 days to support you during integration by holding accountability and witnessing you in the discovery process of your relationship to self and food.
I am here to celebrate you through every step!
Upon completion of registration you will receive an email with a link to order your Cleansing Products with further instructions of options available to you for the most optimal support on our journey together and ultimately for YOU!
The products can take 7-10 days to process and ship,
to receive your products in time for our start date March 21st.
The Closing Date to REGISTER will be MARCH 10th.
Need answers?
Please let me know if you any questions that arise or need clarity on information I have provided.
Send me a DM on Instagram or use the contact form below to connect with me.